


Thursday, 16 June 2016

HERBICIDE - is a chemical used to get rid of unwanted plant life such as; weeds, bushes or trees. Many are synthetic and can be toxic to "good" plants, as well as to animals and humans, while there are organic varieties, it is important to read the labels carefully. Herbicides are available in two main types: non-selective and selective. The non-selective variety is used to kill all growth or for clearing large or heavily overgrown areas. Selective herbicide is used to target certain types of plant life to curb growth, usually through some type of hormone disruption, and should not affect other plants. If not used properly or protective gears are not worn, herbicides can cause burning, irritation in eyes, nose, and throat; nosebleeds; coughing; muscle cramps; muscle weakness; blisters; and stomach cramps.

INSECTICIDES- are chemicals used to control insects by killing them or preventing them from engaging in behaviours deemed undesirable or destructive. They are classified based on their structure and mode of action. Many insecticides act upon the nervous system of the insect while others act as growth regulators or endotoxins. Insecticides are applied in various formulations and delivery systems (e.g., sprays, baits, slow-release diffusion). Mobilization of insecticides can transpire via runoff, either dissolved or absorbed to soil particles, atmospheric deposition (primarily spray drift), or sub-surface flow. Some insecticides are gathered by aquatic organisms and transferred to their predators. Insecticides are designed to be lethal to insects, so they pose a particular risk to aquatic insects, but they also affect other aquatic invertebrates and fish. If inhale or ingested insecticides can cause sweating, headache, flu-like symptoms, blurred vision, sleepiness, and vomiting.

PESTICIDES – is a chemical or biological substance intended for attracting, seducing and destroying any pests that damage or interfere with the growth of plants, shrubs and trees. Practically all chemical pesticides, are poisons and pose long term danger to the environment and humans through their persistence in nature and body tissue. Most of the pesticides are non-specific, and may kill life forms that are harmless or useful. Pesticides can be classified based upon their biological mechanism function or application method, systemic pesticide moves inside a plant following absorption by the plant. Pesticides may cause acute and delayed health effects in people who are exposed. Pesticide exposure can cause a variety of adverse health effects, ranging from simple irritation of the skin and eyes to more severe effects such as affecting the nervous system, mimicking hormones causing reproductive problems, and also causing cancer.

Can you differentiate chemicals?


Anonymous said...

After reading this, I most definitely can tell the differences between the chemicals. This info is quite useful.

Richgenie7 said...

I have a lot of mosquitoes, what do you recommend?

Unknown said...

Herbicide article is interesting

Unknown said...

Richard Forgenie any Cypermethrin base insecticide can be used

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